NVDA Screen Reader Training

Course overview

NVDA is a screen reader produced by NV Access, an australian organization.
They have started this project as an answer for commercial screen readers which are expencive for many people.
They build this software as an open source project, so every potential developer is very welcome to be contributor for this project next to great names as Microsoft, Adobe, Mozilla and other.
The developers are blind, so they build up this piece of application with blinds requirements in mind.
Learn to use this free of charge screen reader during a half or full day course.
You can have this training course face to face at your location, or alternatively at our location in Portsmouth.
An online course is available via Zoom platform as well.
Don’t think about NVDA because is free is not so great as commercial screen readers.
The actual stage of NVDA development is so high, next to commercial versions, so just try it.
You can do any computer task in a very similar way as other screen readers.

Learn more about how to add different features as addons, add an change TTS voices and how to setup your desired preferences.
You’ll find out more about navigation, internet browsing, explore settings and keyboard commands and how to use it with usual programs as email clients, document processors and browsers.

Course content

  • Find, download and install NVDA
  • NVDA menu structure ; preferences/tools/vocaliser/help/restore configuration
  • Setup TTS voices
  • NVDA navigation; browse, object, cursors, reviews shortkeys
  • Keyboard layout settings, mouse navigation,Braille settings
  • Dictionary, punctuation, pronunciation, configuration settings profile.
  • Addons, add or remove different features for NVDA
  • Compatible TTS’s and devices
  • Where to get help.

Course Achievements

In the end of this course the student will be able to use NVDA for regular tasks as internet browse, write and read documents, email or search information, being able to use this screen reader for study, work or personal needs.
The students will know where to get help for this piece of software, add/remove addons, customize profiles and settings or speach preferences according with personal requirements.

Course Delivery

You can have this course delivered in few ways:

  • At your location
  • Online via Skype, Zoom or phone
  • In various time length according with your needs

Price List

  • At your location £320 for a full day of course and £160 for half day. You’ll have to cover travel costs as extra charge
  • Via Zoom Meeting Platform or phone £320 for a full day course and £160 for half day
  • £85 for two hours refresh knowledge.

Booking details

You can make a booking for this course in few ways described below:

  • By phone 077 88 24 11 25
  • By Skype using Skype ID accessible.computer
  • Online using this Booking Form

Ready to pay?

You can pay via PayPal using their secured servers.
No Paypal account needed.

Scann this QR code to open payment page from your phone