Twitterrific for iPhone, demonstration for Voiceover users

I have received a request to provide information about working with Twitterrific in Iphone, and few questions came up about.
But before answering I have to make some mentions.
Let’s say first of all the interface of this app displays a sidebar on top, an area called central stage and few options in between.
They are Home, compose and search button. At the bottom screen is a similar menu containing:
1. Home
2. Mentions
4. Messeges
5. My Tweets
Please note, this below menu is not reachable as a regular tab menu but you have to touch four fingers at the bottom of screen in order to go to the last tweet in list.
Just after that one you can access that menu.
I think the role of each menu is quite self explanatory.
Home menu displays the whole list of tweets from your timeline
The Mentions menu displays your tweets which are mentioned by others.
Messeges displays a list of direct messages and Likes the list of your liked tweets.
My Tweets display a list of my tweets.
Touching with four fingers on top of the screen move the focus straight to sidebar which normaly is closed.
Once the sidebar is opened some other options are displayed.

Do I have to customize Twitterrific for VoiceOver?

No, when Twitterrific is installed all what you need is set as default. Of course, if you have some extra requirements you can check settings and alter from there various aspects.

How to follow and unfollow someone?

I do like this on my iPhone in order to follow/unfollow someone.
I will browse my timeline to find the user what I want to follow or unfollow.
Flick up or down on screen when you are positioned on that tweet containing the username and stop on that option when the username is reported. As an example, if I want to follow an user called @AccessibleCompu I will navigate at that tweet and then flicking up or down I will go untill VoiceOver will say @AccessibleCompu and then double tap. Some options related with that user will be opened, like name and website, how many followers/followed that user have and also a button reporting if you follow him or not. Also, one of the lines will report if that user already follow you.
Tap on the switch button follow and job done. also, same button must be switched off in case of you wish to not follow that user any more.

How to search for some one or company

In sidebar is a button called search button.
You can tipe a general term, a company name or a person name. Also, for a direct result the best way is to search using the @username format.
If no result is returned under cancel button nothing is displayed.

How to tweet to someone or company

The simple way is to tap on compose button on top sidebar and write your tweet. If no destination is mentioned you send the message to all your followers.
Also, you can use reply flicking up on the tweet where the user what you want to tweet is present.
If you choose one user only to tweet, that is a direct message.
Also, you can use Messages tab from the bottom menu.

Where to see my followers?

On sidebar navigate to profile and double tap one finger.
Slide left to right untill hear how many people you follow and double tap. A list of all your followed will be displayed.

Where to find those following me?

At the same place like above, one line below.
Again, do double tap on the number of people following you.

How to view tweets sent by an individual or company?

Go on your timeline and find a tweet sent by the individual or company what you wish to see tweets.
Flick up till you hear the username of that user and double tap. A overview of that user will appear. Here you can see a list of latest tweets sent by that user.
Also, you can go via sidebar in order to find the user or even to use search button. Once you found that user double tapp on it, to see that overview what I have mentioned above.

VoiceOver gestures in Twitterrific

At iFactory Support page is displayed a good list of Voiceover gestures for Twitterrific for iOS.

What VoiceOver gestures can I use in Twitterrific?

Twitterrific supports gestures for use with VoiceOver the audio accessibility feature built into iOS for the hard of seeing. The following is a list of VoiceOver gestures available in Twitterrific 5:


• Two-finger Z gesture – Dismiss any currently-displayed popup



• Three-finger swipe down while at the top of the timeline – refreshes the timeline content

• Three-finger swipe up/down – scroll the timeline by pages

• Swipe left or right – move through your timeline tweet by tweet

• Double tap on a tweet – Quickly open the discussion view for that tweet

• Double tap, hold, and swipe left on a tweet – Quickly open the discussion view for that tweet

• Double tap, hold, and swipe right on a tweet – Quickly start a reply for that tweet

• Swipe up or down, then double tap – Select and execute an action for that tweet


• Double tap and hold on the sidebar button – Quickly bring up the Accounts screen

Photo Viewer

• Double tap – Dismiss the photo viewer • Double tap and hold – Bring up an action menu for the displayed photo

• Double tap on the character counter, then swipe left and double tap on the reset tweet button – Clear the text in the compose view • Double tap and hold on the location button – set location attachment always on by default

In-App Browser

• Double tap and hold on the mobilizer button – set mobilizer view always on by default

Clearing the Timeline Cache or Deleting An Account

• Double tap & hold on the sidebar button to bring up the Accounts screen. Next, navigate to the account you want to clear the cache or delete. Double tap on the account itself to activate it. Finally, swipe down to the option you want (Clear cache or delete account) and double tap again.
For an audio demonstration listen the podcast episode below.

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